About Me

My name is Amanda Marie Brower.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I am a Nursing student at BYU in Provo, UT, but I am taking an 18-month break from school to serve a mission for my church.

I have been called to serve in the Omaha Nebraska mission, with an additional assignment to serve at the Winter Quarters historical center part of the time.
I enter the MTC (Missionary Training Center) July 16th, 2014.
I am so excited!

I have finished two years at BYU, and I love it there. But Idaho will always be my home!

I am a nursing major because I love learning about the body and helping people. God is SO COOL, because he created our bodies, and they are so complicated yet work so perfectly. It's AWE-SOME. I want to work in pediatrics or neonatal care.... still deciding, but the cool thing about missions is that they give you lots of extra time to decide :)

A few things about me:

-I am the oldest of five children.
I come from a big family with lots of aunts and uncles and cousins, and I love it.

{only some of my family members on my dad's side}

-I love the temple. I have a goal to attend the temple every week, even if it's just driving to the temple grounds. I usually don't  have a huge, amazing experience every time I go, but I always feel loved and feel the Spirit, and it brings peace into my life.

-I am madly in love with Gilbert Blythe (from Anne of Green Gables). Like, it's almost a problem. I want to be Anne so bad, it's not even funny. If I ever find a guy who can say "sorry" with a Canadian accent like Gil, then he's the one.

{he's just so adorable, I almost can't stand it}

-History as Film was my favorite class in high school. And not just because I took it with my bro. I lOvE movies that tell historical stories.

-If I had to choose between living in the country or the city, country would win. Hands down. Even Provo was too big for me most of the time. I love the smell of the country, the peaceful nights, the closeness with your neighbors.... it's just awesome.

{beautiful Idaho}

-I have a problem with accidentally breaking into buildings and having the cops show up. It all began New Years Day, 2014, when I went to go buy scrubs at the medical supply store.... read the full story here.

-I am in love with my blue ukulele. My uke and I are pretty tight. We've been through a lot together (lazy Sundays, dumb boys, starry nights....)

{i love her}

-My Anatomy and Physiology cadaver lab has been my favorite class in college. Yep, I've held pretty much every body part, from eyeballs to a uterus. No big deal.

-I love blankets, snuggling, snow cones, sunsets, and stargazing.

{provo sunset}


Books- Harry Potter series, The Westing Game, The Book of Mormon (duh)
Movies- Anne of Green Gables, Ever After, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Saving Mr. Banks
Food- toasted coconut, peanut M&Ms, mashed potatoes, popcorn, dark chocolate, fresh guacamole
TV Shows- I Love Lucy, Boy Meets World, any Food Network show but especially Chopped
Music- One Republic, Sara Bareilles, Passenger, The Killers, Ed Sheeran
Restaurant- Gloria's Little Italy!

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