Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Life of the Young and Restless....

50 Days!!!

So what is life like living at home for a few months before my mission?

-I try to wake up every morning and exercise and study PMG before I go to work. Some days it works out, other days sleep wins. It happens.

-I work full-time every day at a gardening store 
(except Sundays and one other day a week, my day off! holla!)

-On my day off, I try to hang out with my friends and family and get mission shopping done (key word-try). So far that hasn't worked out too great, because my day-offs lately have consisted of going to a wedding, funeral, and a pioneer trek trial run. It's fine.

-I try to go to the temple once a week, and so far I've met my goal! (I've gone twice, haha)

-Sometimes I go play tennis with my sis, go on a bro-date with my bros, or accidentally break into my own house and have the cops show up..... wait what? Yeah, that happened.... I didn't know I had set the burglar alarm off, okay?

(I've had the cops show up after "breaking into" a building twice already this year. The other time it was at a medical supply store.... I didn't realize it was closed, I promise!)

-I have a calling in the nursery, which I LOVE! Little kids are the best. 
Also, Relief Society in a family ward is a HUGE difference from Relief Society in a single's ward.... so I don't miss it too much.... just sayin'.

-Lately I've been addicted to listening to country music, getting a snow cone, and driving up to the hill to watch the sun set over my beautiful Idaho. I love it here.

Those are the exciting things. But it can be really hard sometimes too. One week was particularly hard- my grandma passed away Thursday, my aunt started her bone marrow transplant Friday morning, I went through the temple for the first time Friday night, and my cousin got married Saturday morning. Talk about emotional weekend!

Other weeks are just really boring. I feel like I should be preparing more, but I don't really know what more else I can be doing. 
People ask me if I'm excited, I am, but it's hard to feel that way all the time.

It's also hard to be living at home again. It's hard to get used to after being on my own for so long and having my own way of doing things. 
My family's the best, but I forgot what it was like to live family life! Independent life is not as stressful, because you can do whatever the heck you want, so sometimes I miss it.

I also get "Oh, Nebraska? I would've just said no haha" or "Nebraska? Well, it's flat there...." or "Nebraska?! OMG you'll love it there it's so..... well...... good luck!"

And when the rare occasion happens that I cross paths with a male life form who is within my age range, they give up on me after five minutes because they see me as "off-limits." I've started living for the moments when the old guy who can barely walk/hear/see, let alone write a check, comes in to buy flowers at my work and calls me "sweetie"........

The struggle is real.

But it's a beautiful struggle. I can look back and laugh and cry and be thankful, because life is all about these learning moments.

And I trust that God has great things in store for me, if I but endure to the end. 

Or at least for 50 more days :)

Night ya'll!

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