Thursday, May 1, 2014

Future (Archuleta) Family

When I was deciding to go on a mission, well actually, I couldn't decide.

It was so hard for me, because I'm terrible at making decisions, not to mention huge life-changing ones. I was terrified, which got in the way of a lot of the peaceful feelings that I was looking for.

But one thought that kept coming back to my mind over and over was this:

"How can you teach your future children to trust in the Lord, if you don't trust in Him yourself?"

I have a hard time making decisions for myself, 
but when it comes to doing things for others I am totally fine. 

So thinking about doing it for my kids (who I'm sure are up in heaven watching me right now dreading the day they'll come down to me.... haha) makes it worth it. Even if it is the hardest thing I've ever done, if it benefits them in some way for the better, then it's worth it.

I want them to know that their momma trusted in God with all her heart, and I hope and pray every day that somehow these trials and lessons I'm learning will help them; that they won't be just for my benefit but for theirs too.

And, just for fun, I made a morphling of what one of my future 
babes is gonna look like.... minus the glasses.



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